Nutrition and exercise play a vital role in helping people stay healthy and enjoy active lifestyle with great mobility and flexibility into the senior years. A combination of adequate dietary protein and active physical activity are important to counteract the negative effects of ageing. It is necessary to receive adequate dietary protein to maintain lean body mass, immune function, weight control and high energy level. Protein is often associated with body building and muscle growth but lately there are an increasing number of yoga practitioners using protein shakes and peptide supplements to enhance their diet. Collagen peptides have been proven to be effective than other proteins in maintaining weight and flexibility with no adverse effect. That’s why supplementing collagen peptides and yoga can help maintain our body’s flexibility.
People who are not sure about being active because they are afraid of getting hurt can try Yoga to boost their physical activity. There is no exercise program as enduring as yoga. Workout fads will come and go but yoga stays because of its many health benefits. Yoga is a great activity for people with heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Yoga helps people to stay flexible and strong without putting added stress on their joints. The mind-body approach is an added benefit as it helps people to relax and energize.
Our bodies are flexible partly because of collagen. This fibrous protein connects and supports body tissues including skin, muscles, tendons and cartilage. Our bones are made of mineralized substances and collagen fibres. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body forming up to 90% of total bone mass. While our bones provide our body framework, collagen is the glue that holds the body together. Collagen helps to strengthen cell structures and help to rejuvenate the body. The collagen in our body begins to deteriorate as we age. While yoga benefits well into old age, it can’t prevent the denigration of collagen.
Incorporating different yoga poses to daily stretching helps to burn calories, increase core strength, balance, flexibility and reduce stress. There is plenty of evidence to the benefits of yoga consciousness on muscle building and orthopaedic issues. Body builders are now realizing the importance of yoga in preventing sports injury by keeping the ligaments and tendons supple to be able to handle the pressures of weight training. Yoga helps body builders to learn how to use their muscles properly to become more flexible and graceful.
Collagen peptides supplementation is now becoming the new trend among fitness enthusiast and yogis. Peptides help to increase body mass and reduce body fat percentage even with short periods of exercise. Peptides deliver a whole spectrum of amino acids more quickly to cells after workouts. It is easily digested by the body because it’s smaller and the body doesn’t have to break down larger protein molecule. Since peptides are smaller it is more beneficial and more stable compared with unbonded amino acids with no side effects.
Collagen peptides are result of converting large collagen molecules into small bioactive peptides or hydrolysed collagen. Collagen peptides are characterised by a unique combination of 18 amino acids. It is highly digestible and bioavailable, it offer exceptional nutritional properties not found in any other protein sources. Collagen peptides supplement is a proven solution for bone and joint health. Taking collagen peptides has shown to have a positive effect on preserving lean body mass, and more beneficial to seniors on a relatively protein diets.